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Handmade Lampshades Book
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Packed with 750 gorgeous photographs, the Handmade Lampshades Book will inspire you to create artistic projects for your home. This inspiring lampshade design book features 16 contemporary projects presented in useful step-by-step tutorials. It also shares a multitude of tried-and-true tips and ideas, as well as impressive techniques you need to know to construct stunning lampshade designs that are fundamentally sound.
- Includes a book of 192 pages offers a bursting with inspirational images, tips and ideas. Sixteen contemporary projects are covered in useful step-by-step tutorials
- Dimensions: 8 x 10 x 0.45 inches
- Published Date: October 20, 2015
- ISBN: 9781784940690
- Publisher: GMC Publications
- Author: Natalia Price-Cabrera